Wraparound is a team-based planning process that provides individualized, coordinated, and family-driven care to meet the complex needs of families. This process encourages collaboration between family, providers, and community to create a plan customized to best utilize the strengths and address the needs of each family.
Each family is assigned a facilitator responsible for coordinating the process and a “Family Partner” who works alongside the family to provide peer support and ensure each family’s voice and choice is presented throughout the process.
All services are free of charge to MediCal-eligible families. A limited number of slots each year are available free of charge, and a number of services are available for a fee. Please contact the intake coordinator for details about eligibility.
For all eligibility and intake information, please contact our Wraparound Facilitator, Karen Soto at (925) 671-0777, ext. 117. For other questions about mental health services, please contact Kelly Ransom, Director of Mental Health Services at (925) 671-0777, ext. 106.
Wraparound Family Services Flyer (English)
Wraparound Family Services Flyer (Spanish)
To refer a child, contact (925) 671-0777, ext. 117 or complete the form below.